Page 20 - Poppy's In The Kitchen: (HTML5)
P. 20

 water to soften the fibrous pieces that have now hardened. Putting the components in the dishwasher is not the best solution either because really it just creates more work and takes up a lot of room in the dish washer and means you have to do the dishes immediately. I have one of those extendable spray hoses on my sink that I cannot live without, that for me greatly simplifies the process of cleaning the grate. Lastly, find a permanent home on your countertop for your juicer. It is a good reminder and offers a great deal of convenience.
Preparing Your Fruits and Vegetables...
One of the biggest mistakes rookie juicers make is not preparing their veggies and fruit for juicing properly. They have this misconception that rinsing everything off is good enough believing the juicer will remove everything else undesirable, but that is not really the case. Orange and apple peels, stems and seeds are very bitter. Adding to this bitterness is the spray that are used to protect the fruits and veggies from bugs. I always peel my oranges and at least core my apples and wash the peels really good or just go ahead and peel them. I also remove the dirty tops
off my carrots and other veggies as well as any other blemishes that are potentially bitter and unappetizing.
Capturing The Juice...
My Breville came with a large jug for draining the juice into, which I rarely use. I like to capture the juice directly into a 12 oz glass. It means less cleaning and no waste on juice that doesn’t get consumed. This is just a personal preference.
The Ingredients...
I start out with a half of a lemon, a hunk of ginger the size of my finger tip, and two small apples or an apple and an orange and then I add the greens and then the carrots. I do it this way to make sure the fruit and ginger overpowers the greens. I sometimes just make carrot juice on one day and a green juice the next day, depending on what is stocked in my fridge. I like to use at least one apple for the sweetness. The amount of greens and carrots I use depends on the space that is available after I have juiced the fruit and ginger. Generally that means 5 or 6 big carrots and a big bunch of greens. Of course some greens

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