Page 4 - MNS Sustainability Report
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MNS Sustainability Overview

                                                                                                MasTec Network Solutions provides comprehensive services and turnkey solutions required
                                                                                                to design, build, optimize and maintain telecommunications networks.

                                                                                                We protect the environment by preserving its natural beauty in the places we work and by
                                                                                                taking measures to reduce our energy resource usage and our greenhouse gas emissions. We

                                                                                                continuously elevate our energy efficiency practices by investigating alternative methods and
                                                                                                implementing technological innovations to help optimize our workforce and solution delivery.

                                                                                                                                          MNS Sustainability Goals

                                                                                                MasTec Network Solutions established its baseline GHG emissions in 2015 at 28,356 metric
                                                                                                tons of CO2 using the June, 2014 release of the US EPA Simplified GHG Emissions Calculator

                                                                                                for Scope 1 and 2 emissions.

                                                                                                In 2016, the company committed to reduce our GHG emissions by at least 15% by 2020 on an
                                                                                                intensity basis.

                                                                                                As a result of a comprehensive program to rationalize and optimize our fleet and facilities, the
                                                                                                company achieved an 18.3% intensity based GHG reduction for 2016.   With our initial goal

                                                                                                exceeded, the company committed to an overall intensity based reduction of 25% from
                                                                                                baseline 2015 by 2020.

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