Page 27 - lesson_one
P. 27



                                  Use the dictionary to answer the following questions.

                                  1. The abbreviation A.D.  used in the Christian Calendar
                                     1. Ann Dunne                 3. Anno Domini
                                     2. Asia Development          4.Alternative Decision

                                  2. The abbreviation of WHO  means _______________.
                                     1.World Health Organization  3.Word Health Organization
                                     2. Winter Health  Organization   4. With Healthy Orphans

                                  3. The definition of health means ________________.
                                     1. the condition of a person’s body or mind 3. Vegetables
                                     2. exercise                  4. Healthy fruits and vegetables

                                  4. What is  disease?
                                     1. decease                    3. Illness
                                     2. exercise                   4. Dead

                                  5. What are germs?
                                      1. a microorganism          3. Illness
                                      2. exercise                 4. Sick

                                  6. Why do you need to be healthy?
                                      1. to enjoy life more       3. to get sick
                                      2. to be rich               4. to be successful

                                  7. What does the word cancer means?
                                       1. a malignant or tumor  3. to get sick

                                     2. not healthy               4. eat fruits and vegetables

                                  8. What is the correct  prefix for not healthy?
                                      1. pre healthy              3. un healthy
                                      2. in healthy               4. mis healthy

                                  9. What part of speech  is the word  contagious?
                                     1. noun                      3. verb
                                     2. adjective                 4. adverb

                                  10. Fruits and vegetables are ______.
                                       1. healthy foods           3. junk foods
                                     2. farm foods                4. dairy  foods
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