Page 10 - REVISTA
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                      n  this  new  chapter  of  the  White

                      paper "Hablando cloud" we enter
                      one of the pillars of the proposal

                  Microsoft cloud: Windows Server. In

                  addition to shelling some of the main
                  features  of  the  system  operating

                  system for Microsoft servers, as well

                  as  its  next  version,  Windows  Server
                  2012,  We  know  the  advantages  it  provides  to  a  consistory

                  through the success case of the City Council of Agenesis.

                                             So far, the latest available version has been

                                             Windows  Server  2008  R2,  which  the
                                             company has destined important efforts to

                                             continue  improving your operating system

                                             by  adding  news  that  you  are  looking  for
                                             facilitate  the  planning,  deployment  and

                                             management  of  your  Server  platform
                                             Windows  Server  with  everything  a  set  of

                  optimizations in the possibilities of connectivity and control over

                  local and remote resources.

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