Page 6 - REVISTA
P. 6

Private cloud, the delivery of TI as a


                                                         One  of  the  main  benefits  of  the

                                                         private  cloud  is  that  it  can  be

                                                         adjusted to the specific needs of an
                                                         organization, which obtains higher

                                                         levels  of  automation,  provisioning

                                                         and orchestration in deployments,
                                                         thus  being  able  to  scale  its

                                                         infrastructures  in  a  way  that

                                                         guarantees  control  over  the  data
                                                         without having to increase IT staff.

                                           Benefits of cloud

                  1.- Lower loads for IT personnel

                  2.- Greater scalability

                  3.- Faster market times

                  4.-  High  availability  and  load


                  5.- Ability to maintain control over data and regulatory


                  6.- Ability to provide systematic support and SLAs

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