Page 20 - 追思的話- 陳崑南牧師
P. 20

慰詞                                                     ♥ Aloha Chen family,
          悼 主僕陳崑南牧師 安息主懷                                         Over 10 years ago the Rev. Kunnan Chen

          美好的競賽我已經拼了;著走的路程我已經                                    allowed  me  to  share  in  the  ministry  of
          走完;著守的信仰我已經堅守。義的花冠現                                    STCC with him.

          在已經為我準備好勢,主—公義的審判者佇                                           His  kind  heart  and  clarity  of
                                                                 thought was a source of comfort and in-
          彼個日欲互我;呣若互我,嘛欲互攏總欣慕                                    spiration for me as I began my ministeri-
          伊顯現的人。 (提摩太後書 4 章 7-8 節)                               al career. I greatly appreciate it the time I

                                                                 spent with him, listening to his wisdom
          台灣基督長老教會明德教會                                           and experience and watching the way he

                                       牧師 張碩恩                    led with care. I was sorry to hear of his

                                       暨全體會友                     passing  and  I  take  comfort  in  trusting
                                                                 that  he  is  held  now  by  an  internal,  un-

          懷念 主僕陳崑南牧師                                             furling love.
          我聽見對天有聲講:「你著寫伊:今以                                      Peace be with your family,

          後,佇主來死的死人有福氣!」聖神講:                                                            the Rev. Brandon Duran

          「是啦,互 in 息 in 的著磨來安息,in 所做
                                                                 ♥ There are no words, however heartfelt,
          的工也隨 in。」 (啓示録 14:13)
                                                                 that  can  ease  your  sorrow,  but  may  it

                                                                 strengthen you to realize that those who
                                                                 you care for you are close in heart.
                                                                        May your heart and soul find peace and
                                                                 comfort. Our love and prayers are with you
                                張坤國牧師家族 一同
                                                                 and your family.
                                                                         In God’s Peace,

          基督忠僕 故 陳崑南 牧師 遺族                                       ~ Rev. Bill Utterback, Rev. Cynthia Meyer,
                                                                 Nancy Osborn, Terry & Mary Kimsey,
          驚聞 忠僕 蒙主恩召 安息主懷
                                                                 Jean Gilberston, Claudia & Ed Gillispie, Joyce
                  敬請節哀,並求上主安慰帶領                                  Bruner, Leigh & Nancy,
          「我聽見從天上有聲音說:你要寫下,從今以                                   UCC (United Christian Church, Renton)


          他們。」啟示錄 14 章 13 節                                      凱旋榮歸頒冕極光榮

                  靈歸天國 榮歸天家                                      遺族節哀順變跟主行

                         西雅圖 臺灣人信義會                              蒙主恩待陳府福無停
                         暨全體信徒 敬慰
                         主後 2019 年 7 月 13 日                              柯從心牧師  二 O 一九年七月一日
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