Page 32 - 追思的話- 陳崑南牧師
P. 32

In  the  last  few  years  of  his  life  despite
          ♥ Rev. Kunnan Chen  -  A Gentleman and
                                                                his declining health, he participated in and sup-
          A Man Devoted to Serving God                          ported  the  Bellevue  Taiwanese  Christian
                 e all are very sorry to hear the passing of    Church (BTCC) at a capacity he felt appropri-
          W  Rev.  kunnan  Chen.  His  passing  though          ate to him. His support for this young church is
          sad does not mean that he evaporated completely       a  corner  stone  for  its  continuing  growth  in
          from this earth. To us, he simply changed from be-    Bellevue.
          ing here with us to resting in God’s Kingdom. He
          lives on in the minds and hearts of his loved ones.           崑南牧師 you are well loved and re-
          He  does  so  too  in  the  minds  and  hearts  of  his   spected by all of us. Your legacy will live on. In
          many friends especially those of us having the op-    God’s arm you Rest In Peace.
          portunity and honor of serving with him for God’s
          works  while  he  was  pastor  of  Seattle  Taiwanese   Shiou Kuo BTCC (on Behalf of Deacon Board)
          Christian Church (STCC) before his retirement in      西雅圖貝城基督教會執事會
          2005.  He  had  accomplished  a  lot  during  his  life   ♥ We are so sorry to hear this sad news. We
          time.  A  loving  husband,  a  kind  and  caring  father
          and  grandfather,  a  persistent  and  devoted  God’s   are sure that he is now with our dear Lord.
          servant, a respected leader, and a proud Taiwan-      We will pray for your mom and your fami-
          ese with unwavering love for Taiwan.                  ly...May our Lord give you extra strength dur-
                                                                ing this difficult time .
                 While serving as pastor of STCC, he in-
          jected new life and vitality into the church. Activi-   ~郭秀 & 美齡 UncleShiou and Aunt Meilin
          ties  sprung  up.  Bible  studies  at  Hung-Jke  恆杰   ♥ 求主親自安慰你們全家。  ~ 淑姿,恆杰
          and  淑姿‘s  house,  family  services  at  church
          member’s  houses,  creation  of  popular  church      ♥ The Lord gave, The Lord has taken away.
          publication, 路,  to name just a few. STCC ‘s at-      Praise be Thy Name!
          tendance  and  membership  were  at  its  all  time   陳牧師己安息主懷永無病痛.....英世,淑惠
          high. He brought the church back to life and ful-     ♥願賜永生與平安的父上帝,親自撫慰您們
          filled his pledges to our dear Lord.

          ⧫ 1991 任西雅圖台灣基督教會(UCC)第一任牧師
                                                                       懷念每個主日總是跟我們一起, 最後離

                                                                       Dad  is  more  than  just  a  pastor  to
                                                                       us...we are FAMILY! ❤ ❤ ❤
                                                                                                        ~ 杏蓁 & Uncle Ben

                                                                       ♥ 祈求上帝憐憫看顧崑南牧師,  接他回


                                                                       禱告奉主名, 阿們             ~ Esther 郁心

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