Page 37 - 追思的話- 陳崑南牧師
P. 37
♥ To the Chen Family, ♥如長兄的牧師
May you find comfort & strength as you re-
member all of us who come in spirit & body 我有好多的話三天三夜也說不完牧師的好,我
to celebrate the life of your father /husband / 們這一生是多麼有福氣,能與牧師相遇~
grandfather. We are his fruit, the work of his 回想當年牧師在東門教會時,我媽媽就
hands, the body of Christ. Pastor Chin is 和牧師一家人攀上了關係,認文玟文珣當孫女,
now at rest, no longer longing & crying out 我就成了叔叔,牧師牧師娘,就像兄嫂一樣。
as we do- “Come, Lord Jesus, come“ - but
in Christ’s eternal presence. 那時候, 牧師娘還介紹在東門幼稚園當
In Christ’s love,
~Rev. Angela Miksavsky & family 麗敏家主持的。結婚時是在東門教會,牧師是
♥ Mrs. Chen & Family, Thinking of you and 彈琴祝福。我們在 1977/10/10 成為一家人。1982
asking God to surround you with His perfect 年牧師全家遷往美國後, 我們於 1998 年移民
peace & love. 來西雅圖時就是因為牧師,牧師娘和恆杰,淑
“He will keep in perfect peace all those who 姿兄姐住在這裡。我們先住進牧師牧師娘 (像
trust in Him” Isaiah 26:3 長兄長嫂的家), 後來由淑姿姐的幫忙找了附近
的公寓。20 餘年來, 去牧師家就像去大哥家一
With all our love & prayers,
Craig & Ginger 樣方便,來美國後從牧師那裡學到在美國生活
♥ Hoping the memories of your loved one
will return each day to bring you comfort. 眼裡,我們去看牧師就像是去看兄長一樣方便,
Happy Memories Live Forever. You are in 因家離得很近,下了班後,常一起去看看牧師。
our thoughts and prayers.
最近牧師躺在床上時, 我們常去陪他說說話,
~ Carl & Donna Kever
♥ Dear Chen Family,
We share in this time of grief but also share 唱歡樂祝福的歌也很不錯呢!
in the love and memories of grandpa Chen. 在生病無力時每次探訪要回家時,牧師
We find comfort and hope in Christ. Know- 還關心我們要小心開車,在最後生命垂危時他
ing that we will once again be reu-
nited in heaven with much joy and 仍然很幽默著微笑對著
praise in the glorious presence of 每一個去探訪他的會
our lord. 友。 他是我們最尊敬的
With much love,
~Paul 懷恩, Amy , Olivia, ~ 榮郁 &麗敏
Jacob, Titus (Canada)
37 c 最後的微笑 6/9/2019