Page 47 - 追思的話- 陳崑南牧師
P. 47

♥ Dear BunBun and BunSun,
                                                                Sorry to hear the passing of your Dad. Peggy
                                                                an I wish to send you our most sincere sympa-
                                                                thies and condolences....

                                                                God’s blessing and comfort be with you all.
                                                                Love,                                           ~ a- kū 蕭清芬牧師

                                                                ♥ Dear BunBun and BunSun,, He has been
                                                                so courageous and engaged while dealing with
                                                                his physical issues, and what an important fami-
                    ⧫ 與妹妹貴英夫婦,林家姊弟(鴻儒全家)                        ly member to us all.

               ♥  這訊息讓我們都很震驚,原預期姊夫                              We pray for him and all the family.  His love for
               現在的居家關懷照護下,在熟悉的環境                                the family and commitment to God are exam-
            中,應有更好的療癒效果,但!這還是來的太                                ples for us all.  Love and peace!

            突然了。希望姊姊及家人至親能節哀順變,終                                                                             ~ a- kīm,  Peggy
                                                                的勞苦,安息在主的懷抱。大家節哀保重! 願上帝
                                                                與你們同在。                        ~ 林清南 舅舅, 林鄭麗惠
            滴滴,其儒者風範,讓我們深刻感懷。                                   ♥聽聞姑丈至天國的消息,雖然不捨但也知道
            相信姊夫其一生的旅程絕對是多彩多姿且行                                 他安息無病無痛。阿姑也要保重身體,在其他

            囊豐碩的,姊夫一生以愛傳播世人,早已深植                                親人關懷中不會孤單,主與你們同在! ~ 美琴
            在弟兄姐妹心中,永遠令大家敬重及感懷。我                                ♥ Dear A-Ko, Bun-Bun, Bun-Sun, & family,
            想大家一樣會把最虔誠的感懷讓姊夫帶走                                  Thinking  of  you  in  this  time  of  loss,  and  of  the
            隨著姊夫的長眠,願他百病消除,身心靈皆輕                                wonderful in loving memories of A-Tiun, who was

            鬆自在! 親愛的天父,我們敬愛的姊夫就要                                always a figure of strength and kindness in my life.
            交給你了!                          ~ 鴻儒/美珠敬上            With Love ,                                                 ~ Khe-jin

                                        ⧫ 與清南舅舅 ,舅媽                             ⧫ 與母親, 岳母,蕭清芬牧師全家
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