Page 49 - 追思的話- 陳崑南牧師
P. 49
♥ Ah-Kong....
I really want to go back to the times when I
asked A-Kong to eat the entire fish head
whenever we ate together.
A-Kong was always so happy to eat it. Eating
with him was always very innocent and sim-
ple, and I miss it.
I also wish I could sit and talk with him some
more, or play Chinese Checkers.
我真的很想回到每次我們一起吃飯時讓 A-
Kong 吃掉整個魚頭的時候。 ♥ Thank you Ah-Kong for one of my fondest
A-Kong 總是很高興吃著魚頭。和他一起吃飯
memories: when you brought me to sit on the grass
總是非常天真和簡單,我想念這樣的情景。 field next to a nearby airport and watch airplanes
我也希望我可以再坐下來和他多聊聊,或者 takeoff and land. You’ve sparked my passion and
玩中國跳棋。~Joshua longing to become skyward. Now I am a pilot and
♥ I remember when i first started piano i would am continuing to pursue my dream, I will always
practice downstairs and Ah-Kong would help me think of you whenever I am soaring in the sky.
figure out the notes. Whenever i played him a
short piece he always had the proudest smile. 阿公。謝謝你, 我最快樂的回憶,就是小的
When i moved on to the violin he would always 時候你陪著我坐在機場外面的草地上看飛機的
tell me how beautiful it sounded and how much 起飛降落,你啟發我飛上天空的慾望。而現在
he enjoyed hearing me play.
When i was little he would always do 我也成為 Pilot, 努力的朝向我的夢想 。 每次在
puzzles with me and always let me put in the 天空飛行時我就會想念阿公。 ~ Kevin
final piece. He always smiled when we fin-
ished a puzzle, even if it was the same puzzle
that we did over and over again. I wish I could
play him another piece or do some more puz-
zles with him so i could see his smile.
樓下練習, A-Kong 會幫我弄清楚該彈哪個
首曲子或者和他一起排更多的拼圖,這樣我 ⧫ 2016 與大女兒文玟,宏業,凱怡參加啟明
就能再看到他的笑容。 ~Love, Ellie ERAU 航空大學畢業典禮