Page 4 - updated prospectus 4_Neat
P. 4

Support Structures:

        In order to facilitate the best standards of behaviour and academic excellence for our

        pupils, all students from 1st - 3rd years belong to a Tutor Group. The Tutor is a staff
        member who assumes a voluntary role in overseeing a particular class group. The
        tutors regularly check the student journals and will make notes if a student is falling

        below their potential. The tutor performs an informal role and the concept is to keep
        students on track without formal disciplinary proceedings. The tutor deals with minor
        breaches of the code of discipline and liaises with the relevant year heads. The
        tutor’s primary role is a pastoral one, where they help students settle in, and

        encourage and support them to achieve their potential, academically, socially and

        Each year group is also monitored by a year head. The year head monitors
        attendance, uniform, academic performance. The year head liaises with the tutor
        and deals with discipline issues.
        A deputy  principal,together with the tutors, and year head work closely together to

        get to know and understand your child,to be able to support and guide them for their
        time with us.
        We understand that the change from primary school into secondary can be quite a

        challenging one for students and parents. To ensure as easy a transition as
        possible, we invite 6th class students from our feeder schools into the school prior
        to registration. We also have a full induction programme in place to ease the

        transition for 1st year students into their new environment.  Senior students in the
        Carideas, mentor, guide and support the first year students.
        The pastoral care team meets on a weekly basis to monitor and support students.
                                           Pastoral Care:

        Each member of the school community is invited to play their part in contributing to
        the pastoral ethos of this school community. Pastoral Care is provided by Subject
        Teachers, Class Tutors, Year Heads, Guidance Counsellors, SEN and Pastoral

        Care Team, Special Needs Assistant, Deputy Principal and Principal.

        The Guidance Department work very closely with Class Tutors, Year Heads,

        Subject Teachers and the Pastoral Care team to support students with personal
        issues. Students can call to either of the Guidance Counsellors or can be referred
        by a teacher and will be treated in a kind and confidential manner. We have many
        close links with outside agencies and liaise with them when necessary to get the

        most effective help for any child in need of support.

        Our school is fully compliant with the new Child Protection Guidelines and our Child

        Safeguarding Statement is prominently placed in the foyer of our school.
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