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School Community:
Student Council
Ardscoil na Tríonóide Student Council has been active since the school
amalgamated in 2007. This follows a strong tradition of student voice in Scoil Mhuire
and Scoil Eoin. In line with the CEIST Charter, Ardscoil na Tríonóide supports
student voice to strengthen community through participation in student council.
Student councillors are elected from each year group with elections held early in the
year. The student council has expanded its numbers in recent years to reflect
student needs and diversity. To ensure continuity, a number of student councillors
can choose to serve a second term. All student councillors are trained in leadership
skills at the start of their term and are encouraged to act as student leaders.
Student Council has affected many changes over the years to include the
introduction of canteen facilities in the school, uniform updates and involvement in
the Health Promoting School initiative.
At Ardscoil na Tríonóide we actively promote partnership through student council.
Board of Management:
The Board of Management is guided by the Principles of the CEIST Charter,
Articles of Management, JMB, and legislation such as the Education Act (1998) etc.
The Board is made up of parents, teachers and trustee representatives while the
principal acts as secretary to the board. The members of the Board have different
expertise and skills which play a key role in supporting senior management and
teaching staff in the good running of the school. They meet on a monthly basis or
whenever necessary.
Parents’ Council:
All parents are members of the Parents’ Council and the school actively promotes
parents to become involved at committee level. Partnership between home and
school is important because with positive and active partnership your child gets the
best our school can offer.
Throughout the years, the Ardscoil na Tríonóide Parents’ Council has been able to
express their views on school policy and promote parental involvement for the
benefit of students. The Council has also supported learning and teaching by being
able to contribute to the strengthening and development of the school’s
The council meets approximately 6-7 times a yea