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Heavenly Scented ™
Hybrid Tea • cv. WEKvodomer • Pat.#35,143
Heavenly Scented Hybrid Tea Rose has everything you desire from a long stemmed
rose, delivered in a beautiful conch pink. Hybrid teas are known to produce one
large flower per stem, making them the quintessential cutting rose. The strong,
sweet fragrance beloved by rose gardeners travels with each cut flower. In the
garden, Heavenly Scented grows in an upright habit and has a strong resistance
to downy mildew and rust. Good color retention means that these roses won't
lose their bright prawn-pink hue in the sun.
Flower Color: Salmon
Height/Habit: Tall / Upright
Bloom/Size: Old-fashioned, cuppy & very double /
Large, around 4 to 5 inch diameter,
single (60 to 130 petals)
Re-Bloomer: Repeat blooms throughout season
Fragrance: Strong fruity & spices (Rated 10/10)
Cut Flower: Yes
Low Medium High
Rust Tolerance: llllllllll
Powdery Mildew Tolerance: llllllllll
Downy Mildew Tolerance: llllllllll
Honey Dijon ™
Grandiflora • cv. WEKsproulses • Pat.#17,822
Unique color can be described as “old gold”. Different from any other
rose but combines with many other rose colors to make stunning
bouquets. Develops deeper shades in cooler climates. Has a pleasant
fruity fragrance. Vigorous plant is floriferous with large green foliage
to frame flowers.
Flower Color: Brownish gold shading to golden beige
Height/Habit: Medium-tall / Upright, bushy
Bloom/Size: Formal, fully double / Medium-large,
up to 4 ½" diameter with 25 to 30 petals
Re-Bloomer: Repeat blooms throughout season
Fragrance: Moderate sweet (Rated 5/10)
Cut Flower: Yes
Low Medium High
Powdery Mildew Tolerance: llllllllll
1978 1980
Henry Fonda Hybrid Tea • Non-Patented Honor Hybrid Tea • Non-Patented
Flower: Plant: Flower: Plant:
Immensely popular, blossoms of This rose shows remarkable vigor Huge, double, well-formed, clear, Very tall, upright vigorous plant with
distinctly deep yellow 4 ½” with 20 to and his deep green and clean crisp, bright white blooms with 25 large dark green leaves & bronzy-red
25 petals. Repeat bloomer with a light foliage is highly tolerant of Rust and to 30 petals. Repeat bloomer with a new growth. Highly tolerant of Rust
sweet fragrance. (Rated 1/10). Powdery Mildew. slight tea fragrance (Rated 1/10). Lots & Powdery Mildew. Happiest on the
of long stems suitable for cutting. Pacific Coast.
R = 10 / P = 8 R = 8 / P = 8
Hybrid Tea & Grandiflora Roses 15