Page 16 - _WR25_RoseCatalog_Digital
P. 16

In  the Mood           ™
                                                                           Hybrid Tea • cv. WEKfrancoly • Pat.#19,373

                                                             Nothin’ says lovin’ like a red rose. But here’s a really-red rose that
                                                             turns up the heat with big round petals virtually dripping with
                                                             super-saturated redness. Each big buxom blossom holds that very
                                                             same brilliance until they fall exhausted from the bushy prolific
                                                             plant. The long lovely stems are swathed in gobs of gray-green
                                                             leaves. If red is your thing, then this is the ‘it’ rose for you. Clear
                                                             color in any weather. Improves with establishment.
                                                             Flower Color:  Vivid true red
                                                             Height/Habit: Medium / Upright, bushy
                                                             Bloom/Size:  Large, double, classic Hybrid Tea
                                                                        (25 to 30 petals)
                                                             Fragrance:   Mild tea (Rated 1/10)
                                                             Cut Flower:   No
                                                                                   Low  Medium  High
                                                             Powdery Mildew Tolerance:  llllllllll

                                                                            Lasting  Love           ®

                                                                              Hybrid Tea • cv. ADHarman • ®
                                                             Lasting Love is not the bright red of Olympiad, but the powerful
                                                             perfume will give Mister Lincoln a run for his money. Big showy
                                                             blooms of blended dusky red and dark pink glimmer against
                                                             foliage so gloriously glossy it almost looks artificial. Burgundy
                                                             red new growth makes a most handsome plant for all to enjoy.
                                                             More red in milder temperatures.
                                                             Flower Color:  Dusky red
                                                             Height/Habit: Medium / Upright
                                                             Bloom/Size:  Large, double (Around 25 petals)
                                                             Re-Bloomer:    Repeat blooms throughout season
                                                             Fragrance:   Rich pure rose (Rated 10/10)
                                                             Cut Flower:   Yes
                                                                                   Low  Medium  High
                                                             Rust Tolerance:       llllllllll
                                                             Powdery Mildew Tolerance:  llllllllll
                                                             Downy Mildew Tolerance:   llllllllll

     Hotel California                    Hybrid Tea • Non-Patented Ink Spots                      Hybrid Tea • Non-Patented

     Flower:                     Plant:                      Flower:                      Plant:
     Large, fully double, clean, even  Medium-tall upright plant with long   Medium-large, full blossoms of  Medium-tall height with an upright to
     medium yellow blooms with 30 to 35   cutting stems & glossy foliage.  mysterious near-black velvety red.  slightly spreading habit. Super large
     petals. Repeat blooms throughout                        30 to 35 petals. Repeat bloomer.   dark green foliage covers the bushy
     season & good for cut flowers.                          (Fragrance rating 0/10). Good for  plant. Stands up to all types of weather.
     (Fragrance rating 0/10). Best color                     cut flowers.                 Size can shrink in heat.
     & flower size in cooler temps.         P = 9
                                                                 R = Rust • P = Powdery Mildew • D = Downy Mildew • B = Black Spot
     16  Hybrid Tea & Grandiflora Roses
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