Page 12 - Oct2019
P. 12

He became a POW and the Luftwaffe treated him with                       OPERATION VETERAN
  special respect, allowing a special air drop of another
  artificial leg for him at the prison.  After many escape
  attempts and helping others to escape, Sir Douglas was
  transferred to the heightened prisoner of war camp at
  Colditz Castle, where he remained until that camp was
  liberated in 1945.  “He had quite a spirit of heroism and
  raw, bloody guts,” said Don.
  On this day in Abbotsford, after seeing Sir Douglas

  beside him, Don went over to meet the great man.  “I      Operation Veteran was founded in 2009 by Dr. Paul Kavanagh,
  was apprehensive and said, ‘Excuse me, are you Sir
                                                             in association with the Canadian War Museum, to honour and
  Douglas?’  He had this very polished English accent and           raise awareness of veterans and their sacrifices.
  replied, ‘Oh, yes…And you are?’
                                                            Thanks to contributions from generous private donors and
  “I introduced myself.  We got talking and I had a
                                                            many schools across Canada, each veteran visiting the
  business card at the time.  It had my name on it –
                                                            Museum can receive a coupon valued at $11, which can be
  ‘Donald J. Macpherson, MA’ – and then a parody of the     exchanged for refreshments or a meal in the Café, the
  RCAF and RAF motto Per Ardua Ad Astra (through
                                                            Museum’s cafeteria. Since the creation of Operation Veteran,
  adversity to the stars).  On my card I had printed in fancy   more than 15,000 complimentary meals have been provided
  scroll, ‘per excreta et abuso ad astra’,” Don smiled.
                                                            to veterans at the Museum.

                                                            Educating young people about Canada’s debt to veterans
                                                            through better understanding of our history is a critical
                                                            element of Operation Veteran. To that end, your donation will
                                                            also support the Museum’s Supply Line program. Through
                                                            Supply Line, teachers across Canada can arrange to borrow a
                                                            First World War Discovery Box. Each box contains authentic
                                                            and reproduction items such as barbed wire and steel
                                                            helmets, as well as lesson plans and background documents
                                                            for teachers. The boxes are intended to promote active

                                                            classroom learning and discussion, and give students in Grades
  Sir Douglas recognized the parody and started to laugh.
                                                            4 to 12 a tangible way to imagine what life was like for
  “So I said, ‘I think you probably studied Latin at one    Canadians during the First World War.
  time, Sir.’
                                                            By supporting Operation Veteran, you help us honour
  “He said, ‘Oh yes, old chap.’                             veterans, raise awareness of their sacrifices and preserve
                                                            Canada’s military history.
  “My motto was my adaptation – ‘Through shit and abuse
  to the stars.’  Same destination, different route.”       SUPPORT THE OPERATION VETERAN PROGRAM TODAY.
  Sir Douglas thought Don’s version was clever and he       If you wish to make a donation online, you can do so using
  asked Don if he could keep the card.  Don replied that he  your credit card:
  would be honoured and gave Sir Douglas two of his

  business cards.  Sir Douglas responded with, “That’s
  great because now I can show people and talk about                           DONATE NOW

  Don was flattered that this hero of the Second World
  War had accepted and enjoyed the joke. “I have that       Or you can print and complete this donation form (PDF) and
  card with his autograph mounted on my wall with other     return it to us by mail or fax.
  Air Force items,” Don said proudly.                       To learn more about Operation Veteran, its story and its
                                                            impact, please click here.  Thank you.
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