Page 16 - Oct2019
P. 16

Aviation Facts

                         Joyce Bond
  Joyce Bond, the Reginan who became the first woman
  parachutist in Western Canada, died Feb. 7 in California.                Father of Aviation –
  According to No Place For A Lady, Shirley Render's book on   In 1799, English aviator George Cayley (1773–1857) built
  Canada's "female aviators", Joyce gained Canadian private    the  first  glider  that  could  go  short  distances.  His  early
  pilot's licence No. 1092 in December 1936, "and then         work helped inventors understand the dynamics of flight,
  sought new challenges". She turned to parachuting            and the Wright Brothers acknowledged his importance.
  because "that seemed to be the ultimate adventure".

  Instruction was through the Regina Flying Club. No Place
  For a Lady suggests it was sketchy by today's standards,
  consisting of lectures -- then going up in airplanes to watch
  others jump. On Sept. 25, 1937, the RFC's chief instructor,
  Jack Hames, bundled her into the back of a Fleet biplane     First Successful Flight -
  and took her over the city for her first and only jump.      The Wright brothers (Orville and Wilbur Wright)
  "HALF-MILE JUMP FOR REGINA GIRL" said the next day's         invented  and  flew  the  first  airplane  in  1903.  It  is
  Leader-Post.                                                 considered  the  world’s  first  “sustained  and  controlled
                                                               heavier-than-air powered flight.” Their aircraft, the Wright

                                                               Flyer, flew about 120 feet. Today, the newest Boeing 787
                                                               can fly 10,000 miles on a single tank of gas.

                                                               Internet and Online Check-In –
                                                               The  internet  and  on-line  check-in  was  first  introduced
                                                               by Alaska Airlines in 1999.

  "She loved to do something different," said her sister-in-
  law, Betty Thatcher. "Her parents apparently didn't know
  she was going to do this."                                   On  each  side  of  the  plane  is an  aileron,
                                                               which makes the plane turn right or left.
  Although Joyce never jumped again, she took aerobatic
  instruction in Vancouver in 1938 and tried to enlist in the   ABOUT one in five people have some fear of flying or
  wartime air forces of Canada and China (which was
  advertising for foreign pilots to help fight off Japanese
  invaders). She then moved from Regina to Hamilton,
  landing a job at the little-known factory there building
  Piper Cub aircraft. She worked in the office and logged a
  little flight time ferrying aircraft and even dropping leaflets
                                                               For mild aviophobia experts recommend staying hydrated
  promoting war bonds.                                         and avoiding alcohol, tea and coffee during a flight.  They
  In 1944, knowing that thousands of more experienced          also advise deep, slow breathing to help relaxation and to
  military airmen would be coming back, she came home and  introduce more oxygen into the body.  For more severe
  took a job at what became Simpson's department store. In     cases, where the panic begins hours or days before a flight
  1952, she emigrated to California. She died Feb. 7, 1999, in   and can even lead to avoiding flying altogether,
  Los Altos, a suburb of San Francisco.                        hypnotherapy or special flight courses have been known
                                                               to help.
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