Page 6 - Oct2019
P. 6

Our museum has been working closely with Keith and in the
                                                            fall of 2009 the “carcasses” of twelve derelict Avro Anson
                                                            aircraft that served with the British Commonwealth Air
                                                            Training Plan during World War II were moved to a location
                                                            fifteen kilometres north of Nanton, near Cayley.
                                                            There, on a knoll on the prairie, Keith has created a compass
                                                            circle about 75 metres in diameter.  The circle has been
                                                            covered with gravel except for twelve grassed aircraft

                                                            “silhouette” areas in which the Anson remains have been
                                                            placed.  The grass and other vegetation will be allowed to
                                                            grow up within the aircraft silhouette and the aircraft.  This
                                                            artwork will become a lasting symbol of the BCATP era on the
                                                            prairies similar to the ancient stone medicine rings found in
                                                            other locations.

         by Keith Harder, Chair, Dept. of Fine Arts, Augustana Faculty,
                         University of Alberta in Camrose, Alberta
  “Gravitas” is about the weight of time.  It is also about
  the entropy of the material world, of memory, of
  dreams; how all such things go to ground; it is about
  death and dying.  It is about excursion and return; of
  overcoming the forces of gravity and of adversity. It is
  about courage, about rising up and extending the
  horizon.  It is about the birth of possibilities and living.           Placing the first Anson at 12 O’Clock

  I have been working with the curator of the Bomber        The artwork is located (in decimal degrees) at Latitude
  Command Museum, on a series of art works based on a       50.466978; Longitude -113.849044 and is best viewed from
  number of derelict aircraft from the era of the BCATP     the air.  It may also be seen to the east of Highway #2A, three
  program.  These few artifacts are some of the only        kilometres north of Cayley.  It is on private property and there
  palpable remainders of a galvanizing moment in the        is no public access.
  history of Western Canada; a time that was fraught with
  desperation and hope as well as romance and grievous
  tragedy.  This moment produced stories where much of
  the mystery that comprises the human condition is

  In their current state these artifacts have little value
  beyond their use as reference material for aircraft
  restorers.  But to say they have no value at all is to view
  any ruin from history, whether cathedral, castle or city,
  as merely rubble standing in the way of another condo
  project.  Rather, all these things are a reminder of who
  we are, what we need to overcome, and to what we
  might aspire.  It was my intention to arrange these
  artifacts in a setting that will stimulate such reflection
  and highlight these values.  The Anson artifacts are
  emblematic of certain pieces of the past that are

  forgotten, repressed or seen as not useful.  However,
  that past is still with us and deserves an accounting.
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