Page 12 - Nov2019
P. 12

The RCAF In Korea (1950–1953)                   The RCAF accounted for nine MiG “kills”, two
                                                         “probables” and 10 “damaged”.
   The communist North Koreans streamed across the
   South Korean border in 1950 and the first hot season   High scoring pilots
   of the Cold War was on.                                included Flight
                                                          Lieutenant (F/L) Ernie
                                The Canadian              Glover with three kills
                                contribution to the air
                                                          and three damaged,
                                effort began early in
                                                          and Squadron Leader
                                the war when 426          (S/L) Doug Lindsay
                                Transport Squadron
                                                          with two kills and
                                was attached to the
                                United States Air         three damaged.
        The crew of a 426                                                         F/L Ernie Glover shot
                                Force’s Military Air
       Squadron North Star      Transport Service. It                             down three MiG-15s.
        unload baggage at                                Most RCAF personnel who served in the Korea theatre
                                moved to McChord
      Haneda Air Base near                               — approximately 800 — belonged to 426 Squadron
                                Air Force Base in
     Tokyo after a flight from   Washington to carry     while the remainder were fighter pilots, flight nurses,
         McChord Field.                                  and supply, technical and photo intelligence
                                out its duties.
                                                         personnel. As well, a number of Canadian Army
   The squadron flew Canadair 12 “war strength” C-
                                                         personnel flew with the USAF as forward air
   54GM North Stars on 599 round trips over the north
                                                         controllers in the 6147 Tactical Air Control Group,
   Pacific, transporting 13,000 personnel and three      informally known as the “Mosquitos”.
   million kilograms of freight and mail to Japan. There,
   cargo was offloaded for onward transit to Korea. The   The government of Canada declared 2013 to be the
   intense, challenging route, which involved long legs   “Year of the Korean War Veteran” to mark the 60th
   over open water, terrible weather and a treacherous   anniversary of the signing of the Armistice on July 17,
   landing strip at the midway point in Alaska, took     1953.
   them perilously close to the Soviet Union. Although   Canada's contribution, exceeded only by that of the
   there were some close calls and incidents, there      United States and Great Britain, demonstrated her
   were no fatalities and no cargo was lost during the   willingness to uphold the United Nations ideals and to
   airlift.                                              take up arms in support of peace and freedom. All

   Twenty-one Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) fighter    told, 26,791 Canadians served in the Korean War and
   pilots (in addition to Flight Lieutenant Omer         approximately 7,000 continued to serve in the theatre
   Lévesque, who was already serving on exchange with    between the cease-fire and the end of 1955. The
   the Americans when the war broke out) volunteered     names of 516 Canadian dead are inscribed in the
   to fly F-86 Sabres with the United States Air Force   Korea Book of Remembrance.
   (USAF) — although not all of them saw combat.                                                Information from RCAF
   They flew with the USAF’s 4th Fighter Interceptor
   Wing (FIW) at Kimpo or 51st 51st Fighter Interceptor
   Wing (FIW) at Suwon and served for six months or 50
   combat missions, whichever came first. A combat
   mission usually consisted of flying 200 miles (320
   kilometres) over enemy territory to the infamous
   “MiG Alley” (near the Chinese border) area,
   patrolling, contacting and fighting with the
   communists’ MiG-15s.
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