Page 7 - Nov2019
P. 7

Getting the propeller assembled and finished is one of
                                                                our challenges. We have been in very regular contact
                                                                with  our  propeller  shop  which  has  had  the  unit  for
                                                                almost six years, but find themselves challenged in the
                                                                past six months to complete the final assembly as they
                                                                struggle  with  staff  issues  and  regular  customer's
                                                                demands.  As  yet,  this  last  major  component  awaits
                                                                completion  and  as  such  is  not  yet  ready  for  delivery
                                                                and installation. Our offers to supply licensed assistants
                                                                and additional payments have not helped to clear their
                                                                backlog and allow them to finish the propeller. At the

                                                                moment  it  is  a  case  of  our  persistence  versus  their
         “When is That Hurricane Going to be                    resistance.
                          Finished?"                            As our mandate is to bring the Hurricane to 'run and
                                                                taxi'  status,  it  is  necessary  for  all  systems  including
     Before we answer that question, know that we are           electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, fuel, oil and coolant to
     working hard. Board folk put in 194 hours in the past      be complete before this is possible. If you are missing
     quarter doing board stuff. Volunteers put in over 1770     just one piece in any system you essentially have a link
     hours in the past three months working on the Hurricane    missing from your chain and no system can function if
     and Mosquito.                                              it  is  just  99%  complete.  Our  inspection  in  early  June
                                                                found  that  a  coolant  pipe,  long  promised  to  us  by
     We made our quarterly trip to Wetaskiwin to check on
                                                                another  organization  working  on  a  Hurricane
     the Hurricane on June 5. On the day we attended the
                                                                restoration,  is  now  no  longer  available  and  must
     crew were just working out the exact positions of the
     final markings on the airplane, all of which were          therefore be manufactured.
     completed within the next week. The airplane is now fully  As  was  mentioned  in  our  previous  report,  the  oil
     painted with all roundels, markings and stencils and it    system is in a similar state with a pipe from the firewall
     looks spectacular! Less the propeller, it looks like a     to the engine having to be manufactured. Thanks again
     complete and finished airplane. This is of course not quite  to Brian Davis for loaning us his unit which we can use
     the case.                                                  to  reverse  engineer  the  unusual  British  fittings  on
                                                                either end of the pipe. Both the Mosquito Society and
                                                                Historic Aviation Services expended considerable effort
                                                                over many weeks dealing with Aero Vintage Ltd., LAS
                                                                Aerospace  and  finally  Supermarine  Aero  Engineering
                                                                (all located in the UK) before coming to the conclusion
                                                                that we would need to have the end fittings machined

                                                                The  crew  at  HASI  were  also  busy  completing  the
                                                                pneumatic system with a variety of fittings and lines so
                                                                that the brake system could be completed and made
                                                                functional. A significant amount of electrical wiring was
                                                                also  still  waiting  for  some  attention.  On  the  day  that
      Looking glorious in all of her colours and markings. Greg and   we were there, Greg and Buck were also tackling the
     Buck establish the exact location of the squadron code letter  .303  Browning  machine  guns  which  all  need  some
       (M) and the RCAF number (5389) prior to painting. This is   attention to standardize and complete them and to see
       where hundreds of hours of research into shades, stencils,   them refinished.
     position, style, placement, finish and more all come together
                    as a thing of beauty realized.
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