Page 5 - Nov2019
P. 5

The federal government recognizes Remembrance Day
       Is Remembrance Day a Public Holiday?                     in the Holidays Act as a national holiday, but not all

        Remembrance Day is a public holiday in some areas,      provinces treat it as a paid statutory holiday. Its status
     where it is a day off and schools and most businesses are   varies by province.
       closed.  In other areas, Remembrance Day is a normal     Manitoba
                           working day.                         Remembrance Day is not a General Holiday under

                                                                Manitoba labour legislation, however most industries
                                                                in Manitoba are not allowed to operate that day, with
                                                                some specified exceptions. Factsheet on Remembrance
                                                                Day in Manitoba from govt. website.

                                                                If an employee doesn’t work on Remembrance Day,
                                                                then they are entitled to general holiday pay of an
                                                                amount that is at least their average daily wage.

                                                                If an employee works on Remembrance Day, then the
                                                                employee is entitled to general holiday pay of an
                                                                amount that is equal to: at least their average daily
                                                                wage, and at least 1.5 times their wage rate for each
                                                                hour worked on that day, or standard wage rate for
                                                                each hour worked on the general holiday and a day off
     What Happens on Remembrance Day?                           with pay where the pay is at least as much as their
                                                                average daily wage
     Many people wear artificial poppies on their clothes in
     the weeks before Remembrance Day. Red poppies
                                                                Remembrance Day is a statutory or “Stat” holiday in
     symbolize the memory of those who died and white           Saskatchewan and is a federally or provincially
     poppies campaigns for non-military interventions in
                                                                legislated holiday where employees in Saskatchewan
     conflict situations. On November 11, special church
                                                                receive a day off, a day off with pay or compensation in
     services are organized. These often include the playing of   lieu of time off.  As per Section 29 of The Employment
     "The Last Post", a reading of the fourth verse of the 'Ode
                                                                Standards Regulations, if your establishment is
     of Remembrance' and two minutes silence at 11:00 (or
                                                                normally open on a Sunday, and Remembrance Day is
     11am). After the service, wreaths are laid at local war    observed on Sunday, November 11th.  If your
                                                                establishment is normally closed on Sunday,
     The official Canadian national ceremonies are held at the   Remembrance Day is observed on Monday, November
     National War Memorial in Ottawa, Ontario, according to     12th.
     a strict protocol. A service is held and wreaths are laid by
     armed services representatives. In May 2000 the remains
     of a Canadian soldier who died in France in World War I,
     but was never been identified, were laid in the Tomb of
     the Unknown Soldier at the National War Memorial.
     Since then, members of the public have laid poppies,
     letters and photographs on the tomb. Similar services and
     events are held throughout Canada. Some schools that
     are open on Remembrance Day hold special assemblies,
     lessons and presentations on armed conflicts and those
     who died in them.
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