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Prairie Planes by Tim Munro                        November 2019                              Vol 4 Issue11

                                                                            Table of Contents

                                                                                        Aviation Ambassador

            A personal letter to a loved one from home.              Pt 20    by Dave Gillespie
     “Remembrance Day means a lot of different things to a      What is Remembrance Day and is it a holiday?
     lot of different people. This day is to honor our heroes, to  Royal Aviation Museum
     remember their achievements, their courage and their       Letters to the editor
     dedication, and to say thank you for their sacrifices. But   Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum
     not only is today about those men who have proudly         Calgary Mosquito Society
     served this country previously, it's also about those who   Model Aces
     still stand at the front line today, risking their lives to   When is Remembrance Day in 2019
     protect each and every one of us.                          Looking Back through Time and remembering
                                                                Bomber Command Museum
     The service members we honor today came from all           British Columbia Aviation Museum
     walks of life, but they share several fundamental
                                                                Comox Air Force Museum
     qualities. They possess courage, pride, determination,     Alberta Aviation Museum
     selflessness, dedication to duty and integrity – all the
                                                                Flight Sim News
     qualities needed to serve a cause larger than one’s self.”
                                                                Harvard Historical Aviation Society
     The heroes of my family have served since the Boer War     Movie of the Month
     and I would ask that on November 11  you take a            Operation Veteran
     moment and reflect on your family’s heroes and others      Mackie Physiotherapy
     that have suffered so that you may enjoy your freedom….  Canadian Aerospace Artists
     I know I will.                                             CAHS- Regina’s Roland Groome Chapter
                                                                Aviation Facts
     Regards,   Tim Munro
                                                                High Flight
                                                                Letters in time of War
                                                                Indigenous Veterans
                                                                Upcoming Events around the Country
                                                                Photo of the Month
                                                                Book of the Month -
                                                                November Calendar Photo by
                                                                Kid’s Corner
                                                                -  Plane Cutout
                                                                -  Colouring Pages
                                                                Cover Photo:
                                                                WW2 Spitfire flypast

                                                                Blue Skies,
                                                                Tim Munro
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