Page 19 - Nov2019
P. 19

Volunteers at the Bomber Command Museum of Canada
  support the museum’s operations and development. Join        The Library has recently acquired the archives of the West
  and become part of preserving Canada's important             Coast Chapter of the Ninety-Nines;
  wartime aviation heritage.  Donate to our ongoing
  The museum has evolved into a facility that restores
  aircraft to runable-taxiable status. This ability is being

  constrained by extremely limited tarmac space and the lack
  of a suitable, designated area from which visitors may       an international organization to support women in aviation.
                                                               In addition to books, manuals, photos, videos and
  observe the aircraft.
                                                               documents, the Library also preserves fonds, (collections of
  Additional aircraft are being acquired and restored. As      papers, personal items, documents and associated objects),
  these efforts progress, particularly when aircraft are       from aviation personalities. These are used for historical
  assembled with wings attached, we require additional         purposes, and to mount special exhibits. To learn what
  display space for them.                                      research materials the Library maintains or to consider

                       The Halifax Project                     donating material, contact the library at the following e-
                           Introduction                        mail address:
                         Halifax 57 Rescue
                      HR871 Recovery Project
                   Progress Report   (2019-04-29)
                     Press Release - June 2016
                    Rebuild Shop Facebook Page
                   Grand Slam Replica Project
                          The Grand Slam
                The Calgary Mosquito Restoration
                     Calgary Mosquito Society
                     Nanton Aviation Station
                           Educational Project
                 Museum Needs and Surplus Parts
                    Parts & Tool Requirements
                  for Restoration of Lancaster FM159           CAFM commemorates the role and history of 19 Wing
                                                               (CFB/RCAF/RAF), documenting significant achievements in
                                                               West Coast Military Aviation History.

                                                               Founded in 1982 as part of the Air Force Indoctrination
                                                               School, CAFM was accredited as a stand-alone Canadian
                                                               Forces Museum and officially opened its doors to the public
                                                               on 12 September 1987.
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