Page 8 - March 2018
P. 8
Lorna’s mother had married the uncle of Mrs.
Bonseigneur. Camille’s father died of natural causes and
was buried at Maple Creek, Sask. After his death, Mrs.
Bonseigneur eventually married Matthew Craigen;
Camille was her only child. Lorna, who was younger than
Camille, remembers reading the newspaper "funnies" to
her as a girl. In what she figures was 1937, he joined the
Canadian Army’s Corps of Signals and was stationed at Saturday, April 28
Kingston, Ont. As the international situation worsened, 2018 Season Kick-off Event
"he just wanted to go and help out before the Canadians
over here were ready to go." Book Launch
Mr. Craigen "bought him out of the army and he worked Hell Burned
his way over to Britain on a cattle boat." Through
When Camille was killed in action on Sept. 3, 1940, only is primarily the story of
his parents were notified. Lorna heard about this from a WWII Lancaster rear
radio program. "Of course, I was very upset; Uncle Matt gunner, David Kenneth
sent me a little air force man on a statue." Mould, but also of all
Matt Craigen died in about1955; his wife (whose maiden the "air gunners" of Bomber Command. Mould
name was LaBarge; some relatives are believed to be in didn't write a diary of his war service, but instead
Saskatoon, Sask.) on March 14, 1986, Lorna said. illustrated his training and combat operations with
As for the marking on Bonseigneur’s Hurricane, my best dramatic, full-colour paintings and pencil drawings.
guess is dark green/dark earth camouflage with Sky type With Hell Burned Through, war historian and
"S" code letters and A-type roundels. The serial number, author, Susan Raby-Dunne has assembled a unique
P3518, appeared on the aft fuselage. Thameside Aviation and vivid record of that singularly challenging
bomber crew position - air gunner.
Museum volunteer Colin Wingrave agreed and added, "it
was said that he had some kind of Indian motif or head-
dress painted on the side of his aircraft. Would this fit in
with the area he came from?"
We are still trying to confirm information on the
squadron code letters that would have been carried on
this aircraft. Let us know if you can help us out with this