Page 11 - March 2019
P. 11

When I heard someone saying,  ‘I was taxiing ALPHA with      “Many people go that route.  They want to build their
     my 172 FOXTROT ECHO WHISKEY OSCAR,’ it was so                hours and this is one of the easiest ways to do it,” says
     confusing. My classmates loved airplanes; they knew them     Joy.  “You have to pay your dues, no matter which way
     inside out.  It was very intimidating and discouraging,      to you take it, or which route you go.  There are a lot of
     listening to the other students talk, as they knew all this   openings, different places you can go to, but I think
     information.  I was hearing a new language. How was I going  Africa would be a dream place to be,” recalling Kristen’s
     to get it?”                                                  desire and plan to head to Kenya and Uganda for six
                                                                  weeks in the spring of 2017.
     Joy responds, “But it all just comes, doesn’t it?  As long as
     the interest is there.  I think you will find that you will really   “When you are starting to teach, including instructors,
     start to learn when you start to teach.”                     you learn before you teach and you keep learning.  It
                                                                  develops.  It is so exciting to see your students come
     “My instructor says, ‘Your instructor rating is a license to
                                                                  back with what you taught them; it comes full circle.
                                                                  You will have so many students, you can never
     “Exactly,” says Joy.  “You have to ask a lot of questions.  And   remember all of them, but bear in mind, each one will
     you get the lay of the land from your students and their     always remember their instructor.
     reason why they want to fly -- and their background -- you
     get to know your students and you cannot throw things at     “Every instructor is different, different knowledge, skill
                                                                  levels, different backgrounds, you are still teaching and
     some of them like you can at others. Some are slower at
     learning, others catch on more quickly.  Some students can   they are teaching you back -- maybe they might present
                                                                  a problem in a different way than you would -- and you
     only come on a weekend.  Some are working and can only
                                                                  think that is a neat way.
     come when they have a day off.  Then there are others who
     are full time students like you.”                            “Like when you held your hand out the car window and
                                                                  tipped your hand it went up!  Little things like that to

                                                                  help you convey an idea.”
     Joy continues, “I found as a female instructor, male
     students’ frustrations came more from the fact that I knew   The two women continue sharing their experiences with
                                                                  each other.  “Learn from everyone around you.  Impart
     more than they did.  But they lost that attitude within an
                                                                  the wisdom to others.”
     hour or two in the air -- all they had to do is get up there
     and see that I did know more than they did -- I could do this   Kristen says, “My journey has been amazing, so far. At
     and they couldn’t -- and then we could move ahead.  They     first the staff at the airport didn’t think I would make it
     are more acceptable to this and they see there is more to it   through the program because I was so shy.”
     than riding a bicycle or driving a car.”
                                                                  “But you are flying now!” says Joy.  “Once you’re
     Kristen says, “I haven’t done any lessons for any other      bitten...” Joy pauses.  “There hasn’t been a day I didn’t
     students yet.  I have tutored a few of the other students and  want to go to work!”
     find it easier one on one.  So often, they won’t understand
                                                                  “I have started to love flying.  At first it was very
     things in class, but won’t ask their teacher.”
                                                                  overwhelming.  Now it’s all I really want to do.  It has
     Joy replies, “This is often a point to make at the beginning of  been cool to hear about your experiences, Joy, and what
     your class, for example in Ground School.  ‘Don’t be afraid   you have learned from teaching.  I have learned new
     to ask.  Everyone in the class is hoping you will!’ They all   things today, including people can instruct and be happy
     want to know the same answer.  Help them along.”             instructing. It’s cool to hear about another female
                                                                  thriving in the field, especially from that much further
     “I started Instructor Ground School with another student,”
     says Kristen.  “He went on and got a job with a charter
     company up North.  I know I could get a job with a charter   Joy laughs. “Way back!”  She continues, “I’ve had a good
     and do pipeline patrol and it would be easier to get the job,   life, Kristen.  I cannot complain.  I would love to be
     but that’s not what I want to do.  I want to teach people.”   starting back where you are.  I envy your youth and your
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