Page 5 - March 2019
P. 5

Photo Etched Parts – Small Details, Big Results

                                                                  Many expert level (level 5) model kits include some form
                                                                   of Photo Etched Parts, or have parts that can be added
                                                                  as a future accessory.  Deck railings on ships, handles on
            Using Epoxy Putty, Styrene, and Decal Sheets
                    to customize your model kits                  cars, exhaust manifolds on tanks -- if it’s small and made
                                                                  of metal chances are it could also be made as a Photo
     Part 4 of a 4 Part Series
                                                                  Etched part.  Used in so many tiny places it’s sometimes
     This is our last edition of our four part expert model building   very difficult to work with these little pieces of metal,
     series. In this blog we will discuss the use of Epoxy Putty,   but a delicate touch and proper tools will help.  Photo
     Styrene, and Decal Sheets, to customize your model kits.     Etched pieces should be carefully extracted from their
     We will then cover tips for applying photo etched parts to   metal sprue using a hobby knife and manipulated via the
     your model kits.  Finally we will talk about diorama building   use of tweezers or small pliers.
     using products from Woodland Scenics, custom lighting, and
                                                                  We often suggest using fast drying Cyanoacrylate (CA)
     touch upon airbrushing.
                                                                  glue to attach the metal parts to your plastic kits;
     Model Customization – Time to make your kit unique           standard model cement will not adhere to metal.  Be
     Tamiya Epoxy Putty is a two part product with both a quick   very careful when bending parts as mistakes are nearly
     and normal formula.  When mixed together the product         impossible to correct.
     becomes mouldable putty.  When soft it can be worked into
                                                                       If you're looking for a different type of model,
     any imaginable shape and once dry it remains hard and is
                                                                           try one of our Metal Earth model kits.
     paintable.  An example of expert level work with Epoxy
     Putty shows a military soldier turned into a baseball player    They are made entirely from Photo Etched Parts!
     by molding a glove and hat, and finishing him off with a
     custom paint job.                                            Diorama Building – Setting the scene
                                   Styrene, a pre-moulded

                                   plastic, is a very useful tool
                                                                  If you aren't satisfied with simply putting your model on
                                   when customizing your
                                                                  a shelf for display, and you would like to make it part of
                                   model (for example,
                                                                  a grand scene, Woodland Scenics has a wide range of
                                   converting your Coupe to a
                                                                  products that can help.  The Woodland Scenics line
                                   Convertible).  In its simplest
                                                                  allows you to design your own scenery, whether from
                                   form, styrene can be used to
                                                                  scratch or from their collection of pre-built scenic
                                   create detailed add-ons for
                                   existing models, but in the    accessories.  Once you have a scene in mind, simply add
                                   hands of an expert model       trees, grass, streams, etc. to make it look realistic.
                                   builder you can even create
                                   your own unique model

                                   from scratch.                  Custom Lighting – Let there be light!

     Styrene is sold in sheets, strips, tubes, and rods, available in
     a variety of widths and diameters.                           Often seen in SciFi model kits, custom lighting can also
                                                                  be used to illuminate anything from dashboards to port
     The final way people make their kits unique is with Custom   holes.
     Decal Sheets.  As Canadians we are often forced to make
     due with British or American decals for our model kits. With   When getting started you need to establish where lights
     the use of Decal Sheets and photo editing software you can   would be in real life.  On a ship these would include port
                                                                  holes as well as red and green on port and starboard.
     create perfect decals representative of your model.
     Whether it’s a maple leaf on a Canadian ship, or a lightning   Once you’ve established where the lights will shine
     bolt on the side of your car, you just need to find the      through you need to open up the holes.  Typically a pin
                                                                  vise can be used to start a hole and you can then use a
     pictures on your computer and make them to scale. Decal
     Sheets come in clear and white, for both inkjet and laser    specialty tool such as the Tamiya Diamond File to widen
                                                                  it without causing damage to the model.
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