Page 7 - Jan2017
P. 7
Allow about 24 to 48 hours for drying and make
sure that nothing touches the surface during this
time. Once the surface is completely dry, you are
ready to paint the frames.
Painting Techniques for a Realistic Model Although the masking process is quite simple, it
Aircraft Canopy may become tedious when working with complex
scale model aircraft canopies. For this, cover the
A detailed canopy is one of the most attractive features entire canopy with tape. I highly recommend that
of a finished scale model aircraft. You may want to pay you protect the interior of the airplane model
close attention to this part of the process. Smudged canopy by masking it off as well. Next, run your
frames, scratches, stained or dirty glass and fingerprints hobby knife along the edges of all the canopy
can be very damaging to the final look of the airplane frames and other raised areas. Once this step is
model. The painting techniques for the canopy of the complete, remove the tape strips that cover the
scale model aircraft can become tedious at times and, canopy frames. This is one of the painting
unfortunately, there are no short cuts. This tutorial will techniques that truly requires a meticulous effort.
examine how to get the canopy of the airplane model to The key is to take your time, use a very sharp hobby
look like realistic glass as well as a great technique for knife and cut a clean, precise mask, free of any
painting the window frames. tearing. The raised details should be the only areas
that are visible through the mask.
Some of the tools required for this tutorial include;
Tamiya masking tape, tweezers, a small plastic clear tub, Now you are ready to paint the canopy of the scale
a sharp hobby knife, Future floor polish and the model aircraft. Airbrush your first coat using the
appropriate paints for the colour scheme of your scale interior colour of the frames and allow some time
model aircraft. for it to dry. This coat of paint will show through the
clear plastic canopy onto the inside and should
In order for the canopy of the airplane model to look like
match your cockpit interior colour. Once this is
natural glass, we will be using Future floor finish. This
technique will make the clear plastic appear thinner and complete, you can paint the fuselage colour over it
and once again, allow the appropriate amount of
clearer. Surprisingly, Future will also hide minor scratches
drying time. Using an airbrush for the paint scheme
and blemishes that are often unavoidable when working
with clear polystyrene model kit parts. will render better results. You can finish the canopy
of the scale model aircraft by applying your
To begin, make sure that all the clear airplane model preferred final coat (dull, gloss, etc.) over the raised
parts are clean, dry and free of any fingerprints or dust. areas. Enjoy the effects.
Next, fill the plastic clear tub halfway with Future floor
wax. If you have a larger canopy, such as that of a 1/32
scale model aircraft, then you will need a deeper tub.
Using your tweezers, hold the canopy from any one of
the corners. Make sure you have a secure grip, as you will
not want the part to slip. Then, completely submerge
your canopy into the Future. After holding the canopy in
the solution for a few seconds, lift it away and allow the
excess to drain off. Place the wet canopy upright on a
sheet of paper towel, which will help soak the build-up of
Future at the base. You can raise the airplane model
canopy off of the paper towel by simply putting a small
piece of sprue (excess model kit part) or a toothpick
under it. You may also choose to cover the canopy for
protection against dust and dirt using a cup.