Page 3 - Newsletter_November_2018 Final
P. 3


        Year 2 have been so busy! Here they are conducting experiments, reading in the library, making pizza

        and advertising healthy eating. Whatever will they get up to next!

                                                                                          What an amazingly
                                                                                          healthy lunchbox
                                                                                          from Mearh Ahmed
                                                                                          in 2 Red.

                                                                                                                             Some superscientis in
                                                                                                                              Year 2, conducting
                                                                                                                                their experiment.

               Year 2 became mini chefs on their recent
              trip to Pizza Express. They had so much fun
               and really enjoyed eating all of their pizza
                   after all their hard work… Yummy!

                                                                   Some amazing renaming work from 2
                                                                     White in their maths lesson. This is a
                                                                   super tricky method but 2 White have                  Children from 2 Red chilling in
                                                                               it under control!                          the library with their books.

        YEAR 3

        Researching rocks + fossils is only part of what Year 3 has gotten up to so far. As part of their dinosaur topic they

        have also created a very interesting leaflet showing all of their research to date.

          Year 3 have been busy using             They took what they learned            iPad work to learn all about their  Have a look at some of the new
          different methods to learn all         and turned it into a wonderful                 Science topic-rocks.                methods Year 3 learned in
            about different dinosaurs!                        leaflet!                                                                maths to solve problems.

       I liked writing my leaflet because we could decorate it and write
       information about the dinosaur ‘Stegosaurus’.  I learned that T-Rex
                                                     Lorem ipsum
       was one of the scariest dinosaurs in the world.
       -Jomana 3 Peach
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