Page 4 - Newsletter_November_2018 Final
P. 4

making skills from 4 White in
                                       their entry point to their
                                       new topic: An Italian
        YEAR 4                         Check out the pizza

        So far Year 4 have learned all about the topic changing state in Science. They have learned how to

        use MANY different methods in maths to add, subtract and show place value. Another topic they have
        learned about is Natural Disasters, with a special focus on hurricanes and wildfires. Some classes have
        even written an explanation text and a newspaper. WOW!

            Year 4 have learned all about
         different states of matter and what
           affects them. Here are 4 orange                            Pizza Making in Year 4.
        displaying the particles of each state:
                Solids, Liquids and Gas.

                                                                                                                     Spending time catching up on current
                                                                                                                       affairs by studying the newspaper!

                                                                                                                      The most interesting fact I learned

                                                                                                                      was that sand is a solid because
                                                                                                                      when you rub it between your
                                                                                                                      fingers it’s hard.
                                                                                                                      - Alanood K 4 Blue

                                                              Some adverb acting in English lessons!

       YEAR 5

        Year 5 Girls and Boys have been creatively busy. Have a look at all they have been up to from healthy
        lunch boxes to missing keys…. Full of mystery and fun!

                                                                 Some busy boys working hard in
         An amazingly healthy lunchbox from                                                                                  Oh dear! Who has taken Mr.
                  Soukaina in 5 White.                             Bronze, Silver and Blue. Some                        Jonathan’s keys….???? An AMAZING
                                                                  fantastic partner and iPad work                      entry point for Year 5s new topic: Who’s
                                                                     all incorporated together.
                                                                                                                                   got Gadget-Man.
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