Page 16 - MTAA 2019 Federal Election Requirements FINAL MST_opt
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▪ The automotive industry recommends that the Federal
Government make changes to its migration program to improve its
accessibility and responsiveness, and reduce costs. These changes
should include access to all skilled occupations for employer-
nominated migration, ensure visa fees and charges are
internationally competitive, set the cap for permanent migration
based on evidence of economic benefit, and improve the
processing times and affordability of the program.
▪ The next Government should consider the funding of partnership
between MTAA and Members and Government for a
comprehensive program to produce nationally consistent detailed
qualitative and quantitative data collections of current automotive
workforce requirements.
▪ The program should also examine all current Government
initiatives across immigration, cities, population growth and
control, employment and vocational education, and training with a
view to a dedicated automotive sector solution for addressing
short to medium term skills shortages, regional and rural
population growth aligned to automotive industry needs.
▪ The program should also deliver associated explanatory tools and
assistance with plain English terminology. These tools should
include explanatory diagrams and flow charts that include
departmental and industry contact points for applicants.
▪ MTAA calls for the abolition of current Labour Market Testing
requirements and replaced with “manage by exception” basis
where there is evidence of misuse of visa arrangements that
disadvantage local jobseekers.
▪ MTAA also calls for the removal of outdated skill shortage
assessment criteria including job placements given most
automotive businesses no longer advertise positions.
▪ Key Performance Indicators should be developed to ensure
processing of skilled visa applications within 30 days. These should
be publicly reported.
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