Page 18 - MTAA 2019 Federal Election Requirements FINAL MST_opt
P. 18

5.  Better Automotive Business Environment

                    Outcome Required
                                                     “AUSTRALIA HAS
           ▪  A better automotive business
                                                    BECOME A COSTLY
             environment by addressing taxation,    PLACE FOR SMALL
             better policy legal and regulatory    BUSINESSES TO HIRE,
             definitions and industrial relations.
                                                  RETAIN AND MANAGE
                                                   STAFF. IT IS ALSO ONE
           ▪  The strategy should outline consistent,   OF THE MOST HEAVILY
             reliable, and guaranteed medium term      REGULATED
             budget allocations and reform         LABOUR MARKETS IN
             milestones developed in partnership     THE WORLD...”
             with MTAA and the automotive sector.

           ▪  Australia has become a costly place for automotive small
               businesses to hire, retain and manage staff. It is also one of the
               most heavily regulated labour markets in the world, consistently
               ranking poorly on flexibility and responsiveness when compared


           ▪  Small business is defined differently by policy makers, legislators
               and regulators, taking into account the type of business, the laws
               and regulations they fall under, and the focus laws being

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