Page 107 - In A New World
P. 107
But assistance came when least expected.
A man who had approached, unseen by either of the three, jumped from the
underbrush and with one powerful blow sent the tramp sprawling on the
ground beside his intended victim.
[Illustration: Obed Rescues the Boys from the Tramp.]
"You're rather out of your reckoning, you mean skunk!" he exclaimed. "If
there's any killin' to be done round here, I'm goin' to do it."
"Obed Stackpole!" ejaculated the boys in heartfelt delight, and they were
rushing forward to greet him, but he waved them back.
"Yes," he said, "it's Obed himself. I'll talk to you in a minute, after I've got
through with this consarned villain."
By this time the tramp, though startled and dazed, was on his feet, and
preparing to make a desperate assault on the Yankee. But though quite as
strong, and possibly stronger than Obed Stackpole, he had now to
encounter a foe by no means to be despised. Moreover, he had laid down
his knotted stick, and Obed had secured it. It was a formidable weapon, and
Mr. Stackpole was quite ready to make use of it.
"Give me my stick!" shouted the tramp hoarsely.
"I mean to," responded the Yankee coolly. "Where will you have it?"
He stepped back warily, as the other advanced, holding the stick in a strong
grasp, while he kept his eyes steadily fixed on his opponent. He was cool,
but his enemy was enraged, and rage made him incautious.
He made a desperate clutch at the stick, but with a powerful sweep Obed
struck him on the side of the head, and he fell like an ox, stunned and