Page 111 - In A New World
P. 111

"Have you seen anything of a man, tall and spare, dark hair and eyes. We
               have traced him to this neighborhood, and think he must be near."

                "What has he done?" asked Obed curiously.

                "Murdered a man at the mines, in a drunken brawl."

                "We've just parted company with him," said Obed. "I found him
               experimentin' on my young friend here, but come up in time to block his


                "Put us on his track, and we will share the reward of a hundred pounds with


                "I'll do it. Boys, stay here and I'll go back with these gentlemen. I'll join
               you in an hour."

               Obed was as good as his word. Within an hour he was back again, with the
               two policemen, followed by the man whom we have called the tramp.

               His hands were more securely fastened now by a pair of handcuffs.
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