Page 69 - In A New World
P. 69
"I will tell you," said the young man, showing neither offence nor
reluctance. "I was employed in Melbourne in a business establishment. One
of my fellow-clerks stole some money, and, to screen himself, managed to
implicate me by concealing a part of the stolen money in my coat pocket. I
knew no way to prove my innocence, and my employer was not a man to
show pity, so I escaped from Melbourne and took refuge in the bush. There
I fell in with Captain Stockton, who offered me a place in his band. I
accepted, and here I am."
"But for the act of your fellow clerk you would have been an honest
business man today, then?"
"Very likely."
"What a pity!" said Harry regretfully, for he was much attracted by the
open face and pleasant manners of the young man.
"So I thought at first, but I became used to it. After a while I grew to like
the free life of the bush."
"I don’t call it free. You can’t go back to Melbourne for fear of arrest."
"Oh, yes, I have been there several times," said the young man carelessly.
"How did you manage it?" asked Harry, puzzled.
"I disguised myself. Sometimes the captain sends me on special business."
"Like Fletcher?" asked Harry quickly.
"No; I shouldn’t like that work. It suits him, however."
"I never should have taken you for a bushranger. You look too honest."
The other laughed.