Page 74 - In A New World
P. 74

The victim did not speak, but slowly inclined his head in hopeless
                submission to his fate.

                "You have nothing to say for yourself. Is there anyone to speak for you?"

               One of the bushrangers sprang forward impetuously. "Yes, captain, I will
                speak for him."

               Captain Stockton frowned fiercely, but uttered one word, "Speak!"

               The daring outlaw, who had stepped forward a little from the line,
               commenced:  "This man is my brother. We were nursed by the same

               mother, we played together by the same fireside, we grew into manhood
               together, and together we joined this band of brothers."

               He paused a moment, and the captain said briefly, "Well?"

                "Now," continued the brother, "you would condemn him to a shameful
               death, which he does not deserve."

                "What!" exclaimed the captain, his face becoming pale with anger; "what
               do you dare to say? Do you question the justice of our sentence? Would

               you excuse a traitor?"

                "He is no traitor!" said the brother boldly.

                "Was he not caught attempting to escape? Answer me instantly."

                "Yes, but he had no intention of betraying any of us."

                "What then was his object?" demanded Captain Stockton sternly.

                "He meant to leave you. He had become tired of the life of a bushranger.
               He wished to return to the paths of honesty, and live by labor at some

               respectable trade."
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