Page 150 - Fairbrass
P. 150
constantly seeing him concerning his unfor
tunate pecuniary affairs, you will have ample
opportunity, and E would prefer that our
decision should reach him through you/
1 And your daughter ? ’ asked the lawyer.
* Already knows our wishes, and is
amenable to them,’ said the mother.
And then Fairbrass knew why his sister
was sad-eyed and pale.
After a few moments* silence the lawyer
said, ( D on’t you owe him ^ 5 0 0 ? J
The father flushed scarlet.
4 When did he tell you that? 1 he asked
1 He never told me at all, but a memo
randum amongst your papers suggested that
the amount had been borrowed from him,
and remained unpaid. He wants ^ 5 0 0 —
or, for the matter of that, ^ 1 0 0 — badly ;
but, knowing him as I do, I can tell you he
would be the last man in the world to ask
repayment from his sweetheart's father,’
‘ I do owe it,’ said the father angrily,
‘ and I had in all truth forgotten it. And