Page 151 - Fairbrass
P. 151
no wonder, with all that I have had to
think of and put up with lately ! 1
Poor Fair brass 1 Where, then, was the
happiness and the life of pleasure that he
had anticipated for those he loved so well ?
'N ow , do you know,1 said the mother,
* I call that a most fortunate occurrence.
This unexpected nest-egg of ^500 will
enable the young man to make a splendid
new start in life in Florida, or Los Angelos,
or some one of those places where, with a
little capital, you can live in luxury for next
to nothing, and make an immense fortune
out of orange groves and fruit farms, and
delightful things of that description. How
pleasant it is to have it within one’s power
to do good ! 1
( You don’t know the young man,’ said
the lawyer dryly. ‘ That v£500> if he gets
it, will go to his father’s creditors.'
1 What do you mean by “ if he gets it?’”
said the father quite hotly. c Kindly send
him a cheque for the amount at once, and
with it an intimation that his visits to us