Page 30 - Fairbrass
P. 30

*     Fairbrass,  we  have  long  felt  that  you
                                       would  ask  this  question,  and  we  have  often

                                       wondered  how we should  answer you.  We
                                       think  now that the time  has  come when  you

                                       should  be told  the  truth.  You cannot speak
                                       to your father or mother,  brothers  or sisters,

                                       or,  indeed,  to  any  human  being,  because
                                      you  are what the  world  calls  dumb.1

                                            1 Dumb ? ’  said  Fairbrass,             'W hat  is
                                       “ dumb ” ?  That is a M7ord  they are always

                                      using* when  they speak of me.’
                                            ‘ Yes/  said  the  shorter  Poplar;  ( but

                                       they would  not dream  of  saying so,  if  they
                                      did  not think you were deaf,  too/

                                           1 Deaf ? 1  asked  Fairbrass.             * What  is
                                       e( deaf" ?  They say that,  too.1

                                           ‘ Listen  to  me,  dear/  said  the  elder
                                      sister,     1 Sometimes  people  are  born  into

                                      the world  who  cannot  speak ;  that is  called
                                       “ dumb.”        Most  of  these  poor  creatures

                                      cannot hear;  that is  being  “ deaf/*  In  the
                                      house  they  think  that,  because  you  cannot
                                      speak, that is the case with von;  but Heaven

                                      has  been  kinder  to  you,  dear,  than  that.
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