Page 34 - Fairbrass
P. 34

tell  him,  so,  on  a  bright  day  in  the  early
                                   summer,  when  he  was  alone  in  the  garden,'

                                   he  caught the  ear  of a  swiftly-flying  House
                                    Martin,  and  said  to  him  :

                                         * What is  business ? ’
                                        ‘T his/  cried  the  House  Martin,  as  he

                                   deftly  plastered  the  piece  of  adhesive  mud
                                   that  he  carried  in  his  beak  in  exactly  the

                                   right spot on  the  little  semi-circular  nest he

                                   was  building under  the  eaves  of  the  house.
                                    ' This  is  business-—or at all  events  it  is  my

                                   business—and  I  have  no  time  just  now  to
                                   bother about anybody elseTs.!

                                        ‘And  this  is  my  business,’  said a glossy
                                   Blackbird,  who  from  the  lawn  had  over­

                                   heard  the question,  and  who spoke  between
                                   the  fierce  tugs  that  with  his  strong yellow

                                   bill  he  was  making  at a fine fat worm  who
                                   was  reluctantly  bidding  good-bye  to  the

                                   brown juicy soil where  he lived  in  peace.

                                       ‘And  this  is mine,3  said  a  handsome  red-
                                   backed  Shrike,  as  he  mercilessly  impaled a

                                   struggling  beetle  on  a  strong  thorn  in  the
                                   orchard  hedgerow.
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