Page 56 - Fairbrass
P. 56

said  Fairbrass ;  * but  1  rather  wish  he  had

                                 had  cold  mutton  for dinner,           But then/  he
                                quickly  added,  i I  ought  to  remember that

                                 he  did  mot  have  afternoon  tea.               Tt  was
                                mother's day  u at  home             to-day,  and  a  lot

                                of  ladies  came  to  see  her,  and  they  had
                                afternoon  tea  with  cakes,  and  scones,  and

                                fruit,  and  no  end  of  good  things.             I  saw
                                them being taken  into the  drawing-room.'

                                     1 That reminds me  to  tell  you/  said  the
                                Young  Picotee,  (of  a  thing  I  was  almost

                                forgetting.  On  the  railway  journey  home
                                your  father  travelled  with  the  earnest-eyed

                                gentleman  he  met  in  the  street  just before
                                 he went  to  the  club,  and  they  had  a  very

                                serious  talk  together.  Your father said  he
                                was most anxious about the  business, which

                                did  not at all  come  up  to  his  expectations,
                                and  the gentleman  strongly advised  him  to

                                work hard and  persevere  in  it.  He then said
                                that,  as an  old  and  sincere friend,  he should

                                take  a  liberty  and  give  him  a  word  of
                                advice.      He ought  to cut down  expenses at

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