Page 66 - Fairbrass
P. 66
codicils to an already sensibly-made and
properly-signed will.
No, Within a few feet of each other this
estranged father and son, to the amazement
of little Fairbrass, joined in the singing- of
praises and the praying of prayers, and
listened to the lessons of Testaments old
and new, and the words of preachers good
and bad, but always in earnest; but no
thought of reconciliation seemed to enter
into the mind of either the one or the other.
One warm summer Sunday morning
Fairbrass was vexing his mind about these
things when he ought to have been attending
to the sermon* It was a lovely morning,
and there were in truth many things
calculated to distract the attention of the
congregation from the somewhat droning
voice of the worthy preacher. The sun
shine was streaming through the stained-
glass windows, and casting mellow colours
on pews and pavement. In the roof of the
church starlings chattered, round its ancient
tower the voice of the jackdaw could be