Page 105 - Among the camps, or, Young people's stories of the war
P. 105
he did not look at all pleased. They stopped at the old
doctor’s gate, and the strange man trotted up to her place
and asked Nancy Pansy if she knew Captain H arry Hunter.
"Y e s , indeed,” said Nancy Pansy, going up to the fence
and poking her little rosy face over it; "H a rry 's a major
“ Ah ! H arry’s a major now, is he P ’* said the strange
Nancy Pansy went on to tell him how her Harry was ,
named after the Other Harry, and how she was all broken
n o w ; but the officer was intent on something else.
"W h ere is Harry now?JI he asked her*
" In the house,” and she waved her hand toward the
old doctor’s house behind her.
IJ So, so,” said the officer, and went back to Tom Adams,
who looked annoyed, and said :
" I don't believe it; there's some mistake.”
A t this the strange man got angry and said : " Lieuten
ant Adams, if you don’t want the rebel caught, you can go
back to camp."
M y! how angry Tom was J His face got perfectly white,
and he said : “ Major Black, you are my superior, or you
wouldn't dare to speak so to me. 1 have nothing to say
now, but some day I'll out-rank you.11
Nancy Pansy did not know what they were talking
about, but she did not like the strange man at ail : so
when he asked h er: " W on’t you show me where Harry