Page 106 - Among the camps, or, Young people's stories of the war
P. 106

is ? "  at  first  she  said  "N o ,"  and  then  “ Yes,  if  you  won't
                              hurt  Slim."
                                  “ No,  indeed,,J  said  the  man.   A s  Tom   Adams  was  there

                              she  was  no:  afraid  ;  so  she  went  outside  the  gate  and  on
                              into  the  old  doctor’s  yard,  followed  by  the  soldiers  and  Tom
                               Adams,  who  still  looked  a-ngry,  and  told  her she'd  better  run
                              home.     Some  of  the  soldiers  went around  behind  the  house.
                                  '* Where  is  h e ? "  the  strange gentleman  asked.
                                  " Asleep  up-stairs  in  the  cornpany-room,"  said  Nancy

                               Pansy  in  a whisper.   " You  mustn't  make  any  noise."
                                  She  opened  the  door  and  they  entered  the  house,  Nancy
                               Pansy  on  tiptoe  and  the  others  stepping  softly.      She  was
                              surprised  to  see  the  strange  man  draw  a  pistol  ;  but  she

                              was  used  to  seeing  pistols,  so,  though  Tom  Adams  told  her
                              again  to  run  home, she  stayed  there.
                                  "W h ich   is  the  company-room ?"  asked  the  strange  man.
                                  She  pointed  to  the  door  at  the  head  of  the  steps.
                              - T h a t ’s  it."
                                   He  turned  to  the  soldiers.

                                  “ Come  ahead,  men,”  he  said,  in  a  low  voice,  and  ran
                              lightly  up  the  stairs,  looking  very  fierce.   When  he  reached
                              the  door  he  seized  the  knob  and  dashed  into  the  room.
                                  Then  Nancy  Pansy  heard  him  say  some  naughty  words,

                              and  she  ran  up  the  stairs  to  see  what  was  the  matter,
                                  T h ey  were  all  standing  around  the  big  bed  on  which
                              she  had  laid  Harry  an  hour  before,  with  her  head  on  a
                              pillow;  but  a  jerk  of  the  counterpane  had  thrown  Harry
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