Page 28 - Among the camps, or, Young people's stories of the war
P. 28

and  walked  to  the  window.      Suddenly  the  uproar  hushed,
                          for the  voice  began  again,  but  this  time  it was  a  hymn  :

                                       “  WhiJe  Shepherds  watched  their  flsuks  Ljy  nighty
                                           AJ1  seated  on  ltie  ground,
                                        The  ::ngiil  of tlltr  Loi'd  came dbwn,
                                           Aud  glory  shone  around.1'

                          Verse  after  verse  was  sung",  the  men  pouring  out  of  their
                          tents and  huts  to  listen to  the  music,

                                         ,LAIl  glory  be  to  God  on  high,
                                            And  to  the  thrill  t>c  pcace ;
                                          Good  will  hfctieeforth  from  Heaivan  to  men
                                            Begin and never cease ! "

                          sang  the  singer  to  the  end.     When  the  strain  died  away
                          there  was  dead  silence.

                              The  General  finished  his  letter  and  sealed  it.   Carefully
                          folding  up  the  little  one  which  lay  before  him,  he  replaced  it
                          in  his  pocket,  and  going  to  the  door,  summoned  the  orderly
                          who was just -without.
                               “ Mail  that  at  once,1*  he  said.

                              “ Yes,  sir.’'
                              “ B y   the  way/'  as  the  sohlier  turned  to  leave,  “ who was
                          that  singing  out  there  just  now?   I  mean  that  last  one?  who
                          sang  1  Dixie/  and  the  hymn/’
                              "O n ly   a  peddler,  sir,  I  believe.1’

                              The  General’s  eyes  fixed  themselves  on  the  soldier.
                              "W h ere  did  he  come  from ?*’
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