Page 29 - Among the camps, or, Young people's stories of the war
P. 29
11 I don’t know, sir. Some of the boys had him singing, ’
“ Tell Major Dayle to come here immediately," said the
General, frowning.
In a moment the officer summoned entered.
H e appeared somewhat embarrassed.
" Who was this pedd)er?1f asked the commander, sternly.
" I — I don't know-—” began the other.
“ You don’t know ! Wher<£ did he come from ?"
“ From Colonel Watchly’s camp directly,” said he.
relieved to shift a part of the responsibility.
<f How was he dressed ? ”
" In citizen's clothes,”
“ W hat did he have ? ”
“ A few toys and trinkets.”
“ What was his nam e?IS
lJ I did not hear it.'1
And you let him go I” The General stamped his foot.
"Y e s , sir; I don't think— ” he began.
" No, I know you don't," said the General. “ He was a
spy. W here has he gone ? "
|L I — 1 don’t know. H e cannot have gone far.”
,f Report yourself tinder arrest,” said the commander,
W alking to the door, he said to the sentinel:
“ Call the corporal, and tell him to request Captain
Albert to come here immediately.1'
In a few hours the party sent out reported that they had