Page 47 - Among the camps, or, Young people's stories of the war
P. 47

expected  soon,  and  the  Colonel  waited  for  him  at  his  head­
                       quarters.     There  had  been  many  tears  shed  when  his  wife
                       bade  him  good-by.

                           About  an  hour after  the  Colonel  arrived,  the  General  and
                       his  staff  were  riding  back  to  camp  along  the  road  which  ran
                       by  the  Holly  Hill  gale      ju st  before  they  reached  it,  two
                       little  figures  came out  of  the  gate  and  started  down  the  road.
                       One  was  a  boy  of  five,  who  carried  a  toy  sword,  drawn,  in
                       one  hand,  whilst  with  the  other  lie  led  his  companioft,  a  little

                       girl  of  three,  who  clasped  a  large  yellow-haired  dull  to  her
                           The  soldiers cantered  forward  and  overtook  them.
                           "W h ere  are  you  going,  my  little  peop le?”  inquired  the

                       General,  gazing down  at  them  affectionately.
                           “ I’m  goin'  to  get  my  papa/'  said  the  tiny  swordsman
                       firmly,  turning a  sturdy  and  determined  little  face  up  to  hini.
                       “ My  mamma's  cry in’,  an'  I'm  goin'  to  take  my  papa  home.
                        1  ain’  goin1  to  let  the  Yankees  have  him,”
                           The  officers  all  broke  into  a  murmur  of  mingled  admira­

                       tion  and  amusement.
                           "  No,  we  ain1  goin1  let  the  Yankees  have  our  papa,1'
                       chimed  in  Evelyn,  pushing  her  tangled  hair  out  of  her eyes,
                       and  keeping  fast  hold  of  Charlie’s  hand  for  fear of  the  horses

                       around  her.
                           The  General  dismounted.
                           “ How  are  you  going  to  help,  my  little  Semiramis ?"  he
                       asked,  stooping over her  with  smiling  eyes.
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