Page 48 - Among the camps, or, Young people's stories of the war
P. 48

"   I’m  goiiV  to  give  my  dolly  if  they  will  give;  me  my
                            papa,M  she  said,  gravely,  as  if she  understood  tht:  equality  oi
                            the  exchange.
                                “ Suppose  you  give  a  kiss  instead ?  "   There  was  a  sec­
                            ond  of  hesitation,  and  then  she  put  up  her  little  face,  anti
                            the  old  General  dropped  on  one  knee  in  the  road  and  lifted

                            her  in  his  arms,  doll  and  all.
                                " Gentlemen,1'  he  said  to  his  staff,  11 you  behold  the  future
                            defenders  of  the  Union.”
                                The  little  ones  were  coaxed  home,  and  that  afternoon,  as

                            Colonel  Stafford  was  expecting  to  leave  the  camp  for  W ash­
                            ington  with  a  lot  of  prisoners,  a despatch  was  brought  in  to
                            General  Denby,  who  read  it*
                                "  Colonel,'’  he  said,  addressing  him,  ** 1  think  I  shall  have
                            to  continue  your  parole  a  few  days  longer.       1  have  just
                            received  information  that,  by  a  special  cartel  which  I  have

                            arranged,  you  are  to  be  exchanged  for  Colonel  McDowell  as
                            soon  as  he  can  reach  the  lines  at  this  point  from  Richmond  ;
                            and  meantime,  as  we  have  but  indifferent  accommodations
                            here,  I  shall  have  to  request  you  to  consider  Holly  Hill  as

                            your  place  of  confinement.     W ill  you  be  so  kind  as  to  con­
                            vey  my  respects  to  Mrs.  Stafford,  and  to  your  young  hero
                            Bob,  and  make  good  my  word  to  those  two  little  commis­
                            sioners  of  exchange,  to  whom  I  feel  somewhat  committed?
                            I  wish  you  a  Merry  Christmas  and  a  Happy  New  Y ear,"
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