Page 76 - A Hero of Liége
P. 76
Kenneth returned more quickly than he had gone. He was consumed with a
feverish impatience to assure himself of Pariset's safety. Pariset had been
very confident; but it was at least within the bounds of possibility that, if
discovered by the Germans, he might be overpowered before he had time to
fire a warning shot.
When he reached the trap-door he tapped lightly on it. It was raised at once.
"Good!" whispered Pariset. "Is it done?"
"Yes, the wire is cut."
"Capital! You have only been twenty minutes."
"Has anything happened?"
"A minute or two ago there was a ring at the bell, and I heard someone go
to the door. I was afraid that some friend of these fellows had discovered
the lancers and come to give warning; but it can't be that, because all is
"Still, he may be a friend, and that will mean that we have six men to deal
with instead of five."
"It doesn't matter, now the wire is cut. We had better creep out again, go
round by the field, cross the bridge, and join the lancers in an attack on the
"Suppose the lancers haven't come!"
"We have to reckon with that possibility, of course; but it's not probable. I'll
just reconnoitre again; then we'll get back. If the lancers have not arrived,