Page 78 - A Hero of Liége
P. 78

sweep the idiots away. There'll not be a man left. The orders are to spare
               nothing and nobody."

                "When are we likely to get the word?" asked his friend.

                "Probably not at all. If our men are already in Liege, as I expect is the case,
               we shall leave the bridge intact: the railway will be useful. It is only to be

               blown up in case of a check, to prevent the Belgians from being reinforced
               from France. But that's not at all likely."

                "I suppose it is true that England has declared war?"

               Hellwig's ironical laugh made Kenneth's blood boil.

                "Yes, it's true," he said. "It's the chance we've been waiting for for years.
               They've next to no army; they're never ready; and within a week there'll be
               a rebellion in Ireland which will keep the whole of their forces busy.

               Within a month we shall have France under our heel; then we'll turn back
               and crush the Russians, who've no organization. Then with the Channel

               ports in our possession the rest will be easy. By this time next year the
               Kaiser will be dictating peace in London."

                "Well, you ought to know the English; you've lived among them. How they
               got their empire I can't understand.... Then we shall be leaving here soon?

               It's quite time."

                "What do you mean?"

                "It may be all right, but thinking it over I can't help feeling a little

                suspicious. The beer delivered to-day was brought by two clerks. They said
               the draymen had been called up, and they were doing duty in their place. It
               didn't occur to me till they were driving off that the clerks, well-set-up

               young fellows, were likely to have been called up before the draymen. The
               man who usually comes is a big fat fellow who couldn't march a mile

               without collapsing. But nothing has happened, so I suppose I was
                suspicious for nothing."
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