Page 135 - Adventures in Africa
P. 135
them away. Harry and I, in tire meantime, got the
rockets ready to fire in case our shouts should fail to
produce the desired effect. As we got nearer there
was a general movement among them. As we
shouted they roared in return, apparently not being
alarmed by the sound of our voices.
“ W e must not remain unarmed, so let only three
fire at a time, while the others reload,” said my uncle,
“ Now fire! ”
As the smoke cleared away, it seemed doubtful
whether any of the shots had taken effect, as the lions
did not move from the spot they occupied.
“ 1 suspect they are waiting for the appearance of
a herd of ‘ gemsboks/ and that they will not give up
the chance of catching their prey,Jf observed my uncle.
“ W e must disappoint them then,” said Mr. Wel-
bourn. “ Harry, get one of your rockets ready, and
pitch it into the middle of them directly after we fire
our next volley,"
W e had got the tube fixed and placed at the proper
elevation. W e had to wait until those next to fire
had discharged their rifles, when two of the lions
were evidently badly wounded, but even this did not
make them take to flight- Harry then applied the
match to the rocket which pitched in the midst of
the congregated lions. The effect was electrical.
Seized with a panic, away they all scampered over
the rocks at a greater rate than I had ever before
seen lions run. None stopped for the others. One
.with his spine injured lay on the ground. Two
others dropped before they had got far, while the
remainder were soon out of sight.