Page 137 - Adventures in Africa
P. 137

before.  Two  others,  however,  were  killed  before  the
                         herd  made  their  escape  through  the  pass  towards

                         which  they were  directing their  course.
                            Had  we  not  driven  away the  lions,  probably  many
                         more would  have  been  killed  by  them*  W e  at  once

                         carried  off the five  which  were  destined  for  provision­
                         ing  our  party,  and  loaded  our  waggons  with  their

                         skins  and horns.
                            W e  were  now  approaching  a  part  of  the  country
                         where we  hoped  to find  a  greater number of elephants

                        than  we  had  yet  met with,  our  chief  object  being;  to
                         obtain  their  tusks;  although  nothing  came  amiss,

                        rhinoceros  horns, skins,  or  ostrich  feathers ;  the  latter
                        especially,  from  their small  bulk,  were  really  of more
                        value  than  elephant  tusks.

                           W e  were  now  crossing  a  wide  plain  with  rocks.
                        Here  and  there were  ant-hills,  by  the  side  of each  of
                        which  grew  a dark-leaved  tree  called  the  u Mollopie.”

                        Near  our camp  was  a  rain-pool,  at  which  our  animals
                        were  watered.  Jan  here  captured  a  large  frog  in
                        which,  when  he  cut  it  open,  for  the  purpose  of  pre­

                        paring  it  for  cookings  he  found  a  whole  mouse,  two
                        or three  ants,  and  several  other  insects.

                            In  the  morning  our  people  informed  us  that  they
                        had  heard  the roaring of a  lion  during the  night  at  a
                        neighbouring  pool;  and  as  there  was  a  great  likeli­

                        hood  of  his  paying  a  visit  to  the  camp,  to  make  a
                        feast  ofF  our  oxen,  we  determined  to  dispatch  him
                        before going  out  to  hunt.

                           As  we  approached  the  pool,  the  noise  was  again
                            “ He must be in a thicket close by,” exclaimed Harry,

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